How to use policy and procedure management software to time save and streamline
Managing your business-critical documents can be a time consuming and laborious job, it's time to change!
How to use policy and procedure management software to time save and streamline
Managing your business-critical documents can be a time consuming and laborious job. With a typical cloud storage platform, you have little control over the areas that matter most. Access control, security, tracking of revisions and managing and monitoring understanding of the policies and procedures that underpin your business can be difficult when everything is held in a single repository with little oversight.
Providing secure, controlled access filtered by role, department, or group, to your staff, contractors, and other stakeholders means something more than a basic storage system. Policy Central offers the flexibility that you need to have effective management and administration of your documents without expending time better spent elsewhere in the business on the task.
When onboarding staff, especially in sectors such as Care where policies and guidelines are laid down and audited by external bodies such as the CQC, ensuring understanding and acceptance of policies is vital. This is particularly true where temporary staff are employed extensively. Making sure that a swift, accurate induction process is carried out so that resident care can be prioritised while maintaining standards can be complicated. Kbase Connect have worked work with The Jessie May Trust, a Bristol-based charity providing nursing care at home for children with life limiting conditions for 8 years. The trust use Policy Central to manage the complex information needed to undertake the job and maintain and retain CQC accreditation. Covering all aspects of HR, health and safety and Governance. With over 30 users in the field it is easy to create, approve and disseminate updated policies, procedures, handbooks and guidelines to the right users in the right roles at any time. The savings in time and streamlining the gathering of evidence of understanding are the main benefit to the jessie May Trust of using Policy Central.
Other industries have requirements to make onboarding workers more efficient. Construction sites bring suppliers and contractors onsite every day. Many of them are only on site for a few days or even hours. The laborious manual induction process that usually involves being given a video to watch and book to sign can occasionally be given less than full attention, with no way of the site operator knowing this. Policy Central can be used to gather evidence that videos have been watched, a quiz answered to check understanding and proof gathered that the correct safety equipment and qualifications are in place.
Any cloud storage platform will allow users to organise, and share documents. But where the requirement of the business means that monitoring of documents is important a more comprehensive solution is needed. Document management in the cloud is becoming increasingly popular as businesses move away from on-premises solutions to the cloud, allowing for greater scalability, cost-efficiency, and flexibility. Policy Central’s unique combination of features allow you to create, publish, monitor compliance, and promote core understanding across all departments and throughout your supply chain. To request a free "use case" review today please get in touch or call 08452968 410.