Why having a single source of truth driving our HR is so important!
A single source of truth (SSOT) is the concept of collecting information from across the organisation.
Let Single source of truth driving your HR
A single source of truth is a concept that while it is very simple on the surface, can be quite complex for a business to grasp fully as it is an area surrounded by jargon. When related to the storage and management of policies, procedures, handbooks and similar documents, implementing a single source of truth using a dedicated information governance platform is quite straight forward but very powerful.
At its most basic, a single source of truth (SSOT) is the concept of collecting information from across the organisation then creating a central repository to manage it, ensuring only the latest version is made available in a known, secure location to authorised, authenticated individuals, 24/7.
When related to the management of critical business documentation, the need for SSOT becomes more pressing especially as the business grows and it needs to be considered as part of a business risk handling strategy across all aspects of HR, from recruitment through to career transitions and talent retention. Taking this one step further, proving the provenance, authenticity and integrity through an audit trail is essential to protect the business from any liability claims.
To explain further, as a business grows there is a need for internal policies and procedures to be formalised. Onboarding and continuous training for staff need to be managed clearly, reliably and consistently. With documents, policies, handbooks and procedures spread in an adhoc manner across a multiple of PCs, drives and cloud storage such as Dropbox and OneDrive and possibly even on paper, maintaining the control needed to ensure everyone is “singing from the same hymn sheet” is nearly impossible. All of these potential risk factors are multiplied by the prevalence of remote working.
The transfer of knowledge and understanding, can be enhanced by using Rich Media to promote engagement and understanding through videos, quizzes and automatic reminders when policies are updated. Providing senior management with evidence that your teams understand and know how to use the material available to them, gives you the reassurance that the organisation is operating as you expect it to, and with all stakeholders understanding what is required of them to carry out their roles.
Policy Central (an Information Governance, Policy Management and Compliance platform) helps by providing the repository for your single source of truth. Unlike simple cloud storage platforms, Policy Central tracks the journey of an individual member of your team through your business. Starting with onboarding and induction training, Policy Central automatically follows a member of staff’s career progression and department moves to make available access to just the information needed, at that time in order to reduce information overload and fatigue. By switching on the built-in optional approval authorisation process for document changes, you can ensure that the latest version has been approved by your internal review team, is the SSOT and is the one in use by HR and the rest of the business.
Policy Central’s unique combination of features allow you to create, publish, monitor compliance, and promote core understanding and can be extended across all departments, potential candidates and throughout your supply chain. To request a free "use case" review today, please get in touch or call 08452968 410.